Saturday, March 23, 2013

1st Home Update! The entryway... Part 1

Disclaimer: These ideas are NOT my own. Our house would be bare if it wasn't for Pinterest. Please feel free to steal these ideas. I did.

Ok, let's talk entryways, shall we? The entryway is your home's 1st impression. It's what you & your guest 1st see when you/they walk in the door. If it's a cluttered mess, to you it says, "I know you just got home from a busy day but there's more work to do. There's mail to read, errands to run, & dust bunnies who need new homes." Who wants to come home & be reminded of all that's waiting for them the moment they walk in the door? Not this girl! To your guest, your mess says, "Yeah, we're here. Grab a broom & HELP cause we ain't doin' it."

A nice, clean, fresh entryway, on the other hand, says, "Welcome home. Its been a long day but you're done now. Come, rest." Or, "This is our home. Welcome to it. Take off those shoes & join our family."

What, your entryway doesn't speak to you? I guess when you spend your days with 2 youngins, you start hearing voices.

Anyway, you remember our entryway don't you? Wrong door, loooooong hall way, empty walls.

Well, we still have the wrong door but those walls have been taken care of just a bit.

Lets start with the door. During the 1st month of living here, we had 4 solicitors come to our door. (2 of which were carpet cleaners. Really? How dirty can carpets get in 1 month?) Because our house is so open & we have lots of windows, someone at the door can literally see from 1 end to the other. As a very sick pregnant mommy of a 3 year old, I didn't want to get off the couch to get Lucy milk, let alone answer the door to some man trying to clean my carpets. So, we started researching options. Glass film, blinds, window tint, etc. I wasn't thrilled with any of these options, so I did what I always do... Hit up Pinterest. I found this
& fell in love. I got the hubs on board & started shopping.

I knew I wanted my shears to be long but didn't want to pay big bucks for them so I called my mom. Not to buy them for me , sillies. My parents were moving & getting rid of a lot of stuff & they just happen to have a super long shear curtain in their dining room that I was pretty sure they weren't going to use again. She passed it down & I very meticulously cut it in half (not really; it's not even hemmed), clipped it with curtain clips & slid it on the rod. The hubs hung it up & here we are.

How sweet is our Mattie looking out the window?! These shears are great for the whole family! 

Because of our molding, I wasn't able to put the tie-backs as low as I wanted but I still like the look. It lets light in while keeping our privacy. 

My inspiration lady changed her shears to patterned curtains, which I love!! Perhaps after we get the door I want (with a big window to let more light in) Ill go for something with a pattern, but for now I'm sticking with my shears.

Stick around for The Entryway Part 2 and Part 3 to learn about my 1st crafts for the house. {Hint: That bench and that "P".}